Jumaat, 31 Ogos 2012

Merdeka ka beraya..?

As-salam..  :)

Merdeka..! Merdeka..! Merdeka..!

Merdeka kh kmu sdh dr smua aspek..?
klw aq blm ni.. ndk tw knp,, mmg lh merdeka dr pnjjh tpi dr org2 yg ..?..
hehehe  :)
aq rsa mcm bkn 31 ogos ni hri ni.. 
coz knp..?


from left : far, fara me, wani ( mw pi brya)


brya kt rmh ustzh hasimah (ajar kkq)
hri ni aq ngn kwn2 aq kt SMKP, gi brya kt psir putih..
best lh dpt jmpa drng.. 
miss them so much..!
bnyklh kmi share cer tdi..

cer mnggu lps,,,,?


from left : me, wani, zean, far (at my home)


beraya pi rmh wada smbut bday dy..  :)


jejaka2 ex-3A yg dtg pi rmh wada..


my sis Nur Ameera Syarmila (mila) :)

mnggu lps wada jmput gi rmh dy smbut bday dy n open house lh kli..
rmai lh jmpa kwn2 yg dr SMKP,,
lps dr rmh wada, wani, zean, n far mw dtg brya pi rmh..
so aq bwa lh ikut krta,,
sblm blk rmh, kmi pi Giant dlu ni,, heheh
cri brng bh..
so, smpi kt rmh, drng p0n mkn lh apa yg ada..
smbil brya jmpa adik aq..
sblm drng plng,, ambil lh gmbr skjp..
drng plng, aq x dpt hntr,, so drng naik bas pi ptgs,,
Gomen-nasai.! btw, Arigatou..!

Tu jk lh yg mw dshare.. heheh.. thnx 4 read my post.!
Wassalam..  ^_^

Ahad, 19 Ogos 2012

1 Syawal.. Balik Kampung..!

Assalamualaikum wbt..!



Di hari mulia ni,, aq mngucapkn 

"S3L4M4T H4R! R4Y4 4!D!LF!TR! M44F Z4H!R B4T!N.."

minta maaf dr hujung rmbut hingga hujung kaki,,
kalw2 ada salah silap yg aq lakukan dgn kmu.. 
kalw kmu blk kmpng tu, hati2 r..
hrp tda t'jdi apa2 yg buruk lh sma kmu r..
gue kn syg ama teman2 gue..!
ya kan..?!

L0VE n M1SS U ALL..  :)

Sabtu, 18 Ogos 2012

Essay " The Best Time In My Life"


     I am the fans of Japanese Pop or Jpop. I love to watch japanese drama, movie, anime, hear some song of Jpop and love to read Jpop magazines and comic. Whatever it was, I love everything about Jpop. I do not like Kpop because for some reason.

     One day, when I read the Jpop magazines with my sister, I examined the magazines. I found a contest that asked about the movie of Hana Kimi. That was my favourite movie. I always watched it two months once time. The story was about a high school girl student that searched her bestfriend or special boyfriend in Tokyo.

     The performer of the story were Maki Horikita and Shun Oguri. For me, they were a sweet couple at the movie. After I found the contest, I wanted to try my luck. So, I answered the question by getting reference from internet. There were ten questions about the movie. I tried to answer it with my sister.

     Two week after that, I examined again the Jpop magazines but the new season. I searched the winner for the contest. When I found it, I was very surprise because my name was displayed as a winner for the contest that I answered it. I was shocked because the prize was a trip to Japan for two person. All of it was free. I was getting excited to travel outside of Malaysia.

    This will be the first time I went to the modern country, Japan. My sister will accompany me with the permission from our parent. My sister love Jpop too. When we arrived at the international airport of Japan, there was winter season. I felt very happy and proud to be there. My sister and I were nervous to observe and learn about their culture and religion. We stayed in Japan for a week with the Jpop magazine's crew. We visited the tourism places in Tokyo. On the last day for us in Japan, the Jpop magazine's crew brought us to the special place that we cannot guess.

     Finally, we met the performer of the Hana Kimi movie. I was very shocked to meet them. They were my favourite performer that I wanted to meet in Japan. I met and talked to them politely andI spoke english to them as I cannot speak Japanese properly. My sister and I were very happy to meet them. All of us took some photo together as a memory.

    After we met them, we flew home. While in aeroplane, I smiled at myself because I could not forget the moment. I thanked to the Jpop magazine's crew because they gave us a chance to meet with my favourite performer. For me, that was the best time in my life.

·       ::  Cerita ni hnya lha imagination.. hehehe  J
·      ::   Essay yg tlh diperbaiki oleh sir Saiful.
1)   Preposition ‘in’ and ‘at’.
‘in’ refers to wide and big space. Ex : In Japan.
‘at’ refers to a specific place only. Ex : At SMKATDM.

2)   Subject Verb Agreement.
I were very shocked.  (false)
I was very shocked. (correct)

p/s from sir : I would love to see this essay to be rewritten and posted in your blogspot. Look forward to.

Ahad, 12 Ogos 2012

Aktiviti2 Form 4 di SMK(@) TDM..












Thank you for visited my blog..!  Arigatou Gozaimasu..

Jumaat, 3 Ogos 2012

Unic- Doa Dhuha


hri ni aq mw share doa dhuha utk dbca slps solat dhuha..
so, selesai mnunaikn solat dhuha, bcalh surah ad-dhuha, as-syams n al-fajr..
insya-allah,, doa yg kta bca ni akn dkabulkn olh Allah..
tingkatknlh amal ibadah yg fardhu n sunat..
spya kita dpt pahala yg b'lipat gnda..
insya-allah,, sma2 kita amalknnya..
sekian, wassalam :)